The project is based on a coordination structure and decision making mechanisms set up to cope with the complexity of the project and the degree of the integration required: project management is essential to ensure a proper co-ordination across work activities and partners. As a consequence, the consortium placed particular attention in designing the management structure described in this section; having strategies for keeping control on the activities and on the potential problems that may arise, ensuring project success, respecting the interests of all the actors involved in the project and those of the external environment.
In this frame coordination and decision making activities will be the responsibility of the Project Steering Committee (PSC), chaired by the Project Coordinator (PC) E. Cremascoli, while the overall operative administrative/financial control responsibility will be held by the Coordinator, Novagenit (CO1). CF-Consulting, with its great experience,(P5-CFc) can give valuable inputs to the Project Coordinator in order to define and monitor management strategies and processes. P5-CFc will also lead the Project Dissemination Office (PDO), whose aim will be to coordinate and harmonize the project image, the dissemination contents and tools. The Exploitation Board (EB) will be responsible for all activities related to exploitation of results and project dissemination plus the management of the innovation related activities and IPR issues. Finally, Work Package Leaders (WPL) will coordinate the activities foreseen in each Work Package. The Project Ethics Advisor (PEA) will deal with any ethic component in the project and overviews that the project complies with relevant national and international regulations.