Viale Trento, 115/117 – 38017 Mezzolombardo (Trento) - Italy

Tel. +39 0461 1916 500 – Fax +39 0461 1916 591


Novagenit is a Company founded in 2005 by a Group of Italian businessmen. Novagenit is specialised in biotechnology mainly focussing on research, development, production and marketing of innovative medical devices for orthopaedic field.

Novagenit is thereby performing research activities in the field of original biomaterials – such as hydrogels – to be used as carrier for drugs and cells for orthopaedic applications.

The R&D department is build up by an interdisciplinary and qualified  team with specific competences in the field.

Indeed it was already granted with public funding. The target of that project was the development of a new patented product, an hydrogel based on hyaluronic acid and used as carrier of cells. Its main field of application is the orthopaedic surgery.

Novagenit is equipped very well for performing both research activities and  manufacturing of medical devices. In fact, its structure consists of:

Chemical laboratory; Biological laboratory and 2 Clean rooms with a surface superior than 200 square meter.

Novagenit has property of some patents granted and pending.